Week 10 in Gent, Belgium

Hallo Friends and Fam, 

This week has been so great!

It started off with us staying over in Antwerpen for P-day so we could go to the temple on Tuesday with our Zone! 

For P-day the zone leaders set up an "Amazing Race" for us and it was super fun. We ran all over Antwerpen and had a blast. One of the challenges was to take pictures with people wearing colors of the rainbow so we got some good selfies with people. 

The next day we got up at 4 am to drive with our whole zone on a tour bus to the Den Hag LDS Temple in the Netherlands! That temple is so small and cute. It can barely fit our zone in it. The temple was a beautiful experience and I am so thankful I was able to go!

This week signaled the true start of winter. I had to wear 3 pairs of tights to go outside. And it's just starting! It also rained a TON this week. It's been pretty dry until now and we are staring to get wet.

I went on exchanges this week with sister Klenk from Stansbury UT and I LOVE HER TO DEATH. She is the most amazing person ever. I think I came on my mission to meet her. She taught me so many things when on the exchange. She has an amazing testimony and a beautiful conversion story. Her story shows me that a simple testimony is all that it takes sometimes. So open your mouth and change a life.

We started listening to Christmas music and it has made us soooo happy! We are all decorated for Christmas too! We can not wait for Christmas to come

We made cookies and delivered them to a sick investigator. It was super special to receive the revelation that she needed a visit even thought she canceled our appointment.

Well the church is true. Exchanges are the best.  I love cookies and I know the Book of Mormon is true. 

Love you all!!!

Zuster Acheson


Zuster Acheson


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