Week #11 in Antwerpen, Belgium

Hey everyone!

This week we have someone on Baptismal date!! We are so excited! She and two of her kids came to church and they loved it! They live super close to the church and the rest of the family is starting to take interest! We had a super great lesson with her with one of our members. Members are the best!

Speaking of members, one of our lovely members here fixed Mr.Blue , my old Dutch bike that I love! I can ride in style again!! Thank you, Wijk Antwerpen!!!

We had two exchanges this week. We did a 4-sister in Antwerpen with the sisters from Leuven, Belgium  and then I was in Antwerpen with Sister Harris from Lokeren, Belgium. 

Our exchanges were so fun and up lifting. The missionaries here are just beyond words!! Sister
Erickson and Sister Harris had to put up with me and my horrible jokes. They are saints.

This week we also got the cops called on us! But luckily they were super nice and impressed by our super great Dutch. So that was fun. 

Ok team! I have to go! See you next week! ​​​​​​​​​​

Zuster Acheson


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