Week 3 in Gent, Belgium

Hallo Everyone!

This week was a very exciting one!

My companion, Zuster Weber, is the Sister Training Leader and part of her job is organizing exchanges with the sisters she supervises. So, that means we can work with other sister missionaries. Tuesday,  morning during our planning, she looked at her notes and realized that we were supposed to be going on exchanges that night! I quickly packed an overnight bag so I could go to Lokeren, Belgium.

 I got to spent the day in Lokeren with Sister Mangum! Sister Mangum is awesome and she was Sister Weber's companion at one point. In Lokeren we went to a market and contacted there and we got waffles!!! It was so yummy. We also got to bike everywhere!!!!!! Now I feel like I'm a real missionary. 

While in Lokeren I helped teach a lesson to a less active member and we also had a dinner appointment. It was so fun to see Lokeren. Plus we biked for about 4 hours that day. This is what missionary work feels like. 

This week I got to go to Brussels to work on some visa stuff! It was so fun being there because my mom served part of her mission in Brussels, French speaking. While working on visa stuff I spoke with the workers all in French!  It is nice to have my French language skills as a back up language.  Belgium is officially bilingual.  It was so great to finally understand what people where saying and be able to communicate with them!
Street contacting in the Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium (just like my mom did)

After Visas we went to the Grand Place and contacted. This is also exactly where my mother contacted so many years ago. We also went to the Manneken Pis  statue and took a District family Photo.  The Manneken Pis is a tiny statue of a little boy uninating. One tale maintains that the statue is a likeness of a boy who saved Brussels from fire and disaster by peeing on the fuse of an explosive. It is a national landmark. We also got  Belgium waffles! Belgium is probably one of the greatest places on earth for food.

EVERYONE GRAB A SEAT, WEAR YOUR PJS, ITS LDS GENERAL CONFERENCE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like the super bowl for missionaries. I am so pumped and we have some members who will be hosting us for the sessions!!

This week I have been thinking about questions that I want answered. I suggest that this week you all prayerfully ponder questions for General Conference. I know that if you do this, the Lord will have your answer in General  Conference.

I know that the apostles and prophet are men called of God to speak to us and tell us what we need to know to come closer to Jesus Christ. We need to turn our tents to the direction of the prophet just like they did in the Book of Mormon with King Benjamin. I suggest reading the Story of King Benjamin this week to prepare for conference. It will bring the spirit and get you PUMPED for general conference. 

In other news WE MOPPED OUR FLOORS!!!! This was a legit highlight of the week. Nothing brings me more joy than having a clean apartment. 

I hope you all have a good week and think of questions for LDS General Conference!​

I love you all!

Zuster Acheson


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