Week #6 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Staying strong in Amsterdam
It's official. Winter has arrived. We skipped straight over fall and plunged head first into a cold winter. I will admit, I am not too thrilled over this change in the season. I guess this is what enduring to the end really means.

Wow, this week on the Acheson and Roberts show was a difficult one. We got kicked out and yelled at too many time to count. I cannot think of one day this week that we did not get yelled at.

Sister Roberts preparing for the cold
Missionary work is not as glamorous as we think it is. The good news is that we were immensely  blessed by the Lord during this week of trials.

Blessings we received:

Daylight savings time ended (an extra hour of sleep!)
Playing soccer with the other missionaries almost every day
Three very positive investigators
Lots of good stories and jokes with Sister Roberts
Opportunities to pray and follow the Holy Spirit
Feeling the spirit while reading the Book of Mormon

These are just a few that came to my mind. I know that Heavenly Father truly did bless us. I am so grateful.

We had a miracle contacting a referral this week! We had made a goal to be better at contacting all of our referrals, so we called this one referral. The woman said that she was really busy and that maybe she would show up to church. Then she called us the next day asking if we could meet with her. We met with her and had a powerful and short appointment. She told us that she wants to become a part of the church. We felt so blessed to have not only achieved our goal but to have received a blessing in doing so. 

We started a new transfer this week and Sister Roberts and I made a goal to speak Dutch from 11 am to 9 pm everyday. I really  hope this will get my Dutch up to par before I go home. Heaven knows my Dutch needs help! 

After the make up Relief Society/Young Woman Activity
This week there was a Relief Society/Young Women activity and it was a makeup night! So we all went and did each others makeup. Sister May and I put on some amazing fake eyelashes. I'm pretty sure we scared the elders when we had to meet with them right after the activity. It was a blast though!

Do you like our fake eyelashes?
I love you all! Thank you for the prayers. Stay warm out there!
Zuster Acheson


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