Week #13 in Antwerpen, Belgium

Hello everyone! Thank you for all the birthday wishes! it was super great to open my email and see and feel all the love!

This week has been a roller coaster. We started off this week with our door getting completely fixed! So we have had no door problems just in time for Sister Ogden to leave.

We also went to the zoo with a daughter of a member and her boyfriend! Super fun and cool to see the animals!

We went around and said our goodbyes to some ward members and investigators. Saying goodbye to Sister Ogden was a little emotional. When you spend 4 1/2 straight months with someone you get a little attached. When I put her on the train I did shed a tear or two. I love you Sister Ogden! 

Transfer day was very bitter-sweet. I said goodbye to many of my best friends out here, but I know that they are going to the places where the Lord needs them. I love you Elder Cameron, Elder Diede, Sister Bozue, and Sister Ogden! Thank you for coloring my life for the past 3 months with joy and laughter and the spirit. 

Then sister Pomales came in and it has been a non stop party since then! Sister Pomales is from my MTC group and she is so cute,  funny, and exciting and brings sunshine where ever she goes. She's from Florida and she is a convert of a year! She truly has the gift of faith and is teaching me so many things already! I am SO excited to be with her for the next 6 weeks!!!!!

On my birthday we taught a few lessons and I bought some cupcakes and we had a great time! We also went out to dinner at one of my favorite Lebanese restaurants in Antwerp. My parents sent me the best birthday package ever! I got some new clothes and earrings! Now I am a styling sister and blend in with the Europeans. 

Our investigator on baptismal date is coming right along! She is super excited to be baptized and her faith is growing everyday! There was a baptismal service on Sunday and she attended and she thought it was super cool and special! She told us that she wants her entire family to be baptized. I feel so blessed to teach her every time we meet with her. It's humbling to see how open and prepared she is and that Heavenly Father is letting me teach her. I am thankful that Heavenly Father qualifies me to teach her.

This week was just great! It's been non-stop and full of laugher, tears, singing, and sweating! Its super hot here right now and three fans in our apartment are not cutting it! I take sunscreen where ever I got because I get so sunburnt! I guess that's the price I pay for being a servant of the Lord.

I know that the Lord qualifies us for what we need to do. I know that we all have strengths and weaknesses that make us tools in the hand of the Lord. I am thankful that I can try again every day and use the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am thankful to meet those who are ready to change their lives and follow the example of Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God and that it is here for our day. 

I hope you all have a great week! This week we will be meeting my new mission presidents, President and Sister Buysse!!!!!! They are Belge and I met them while serving in my first city of Gent. I am so excited to see them again!!!!!

Zuster Acheson


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